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The Firm

Ráo & Lago Advogados is a law firm that acts in the criminal area and with improbity actions, in all types of cases, with emphasis on those of high complexity. It is formed by renowned lawyers, such as the name partners Sônia Cochrane Ráo, with over 40 years of experience in Criminal Law, and Natasha do Lago, who, in addition to working in the criminal area for more than ten years, has experience in matters relating to Banking Law and Capital Markets. The firm also counts on the talent and dedication of Marina Chaves Alves, a lawyer who has over 15 years of experience in Criminal Law.

Ráo & Lago Advogados was founded in 1987 by one of the most outstanding criminal lawyers in Brazil: former Minister of Justice, Mr. Márcio Thomaz Bastos. The firm is known for its highly skilled team, services tailored to the customers’ needs, and extreme care in the monitoring and diagnosis of each case. The firm combines technological resources with meticulous and individualized work.

Ráo & Lago Advogados is even more admired in the market thanks to its discretion and close relationship with our clients.


Practice Areas

Ráo & Lago Advogados has almost 40 years of experience in Criminal Law throughout the national territory, with solid performance in litigation and consultancy for all types of criminal offenses, including the preparation of legal opinions. In 2024, partner Marco Vinicio Petrelluzi joined the firm and brought his expertise on administrative improbity actions and public civil actions.

The firm works in a personalized manner, with excellency, through its own lawyers and correspondents. The cases are studied in depth by experienced and renowned lawyers, who act quickly, accurately and efficiently in the diagnosis, processing and defense of the clients’ interests.

Ráo & Lago Advogados has a wide-ranging and organized structure which allows us to trail the progress of police investigations, improbity investigations and criminal proceedings at Police Stations, Public Prosecutor’s Offices, State Courts, Federal Courts and Higher Courts, acting on appeals and legal remedies.

Our substantial and successful experience in legal crisis management provides clients with advisory services in due diligence for company acquisition processes or improvement of internal control procedures.


Ráo & Lago Advogados has clients in Brazil and abroad. The firm’s team of lawyers has extensive experience in matters relating to crimes committed within the corporate environment.

Under Brazilian criminal law, legal entities are only criminally liable for environmental offenses, so most of our clients are individuals, such as executives from companies that are dealing with issues resulting from their activities.  The firm represents companies both in improbity and criminal investigations.

Ráo & Lago Advogados also caters to banks, brokerage houses, securities distributors, multinational companies, construction companies, real estate developers, sanitation companies, among others.


Sônia Cochrane Ráo
Sônia Cochrane Ráo

Partner of the firm since 1990, Sônia Ráo has more than 40 years of experience in diagnosis, defense, and counseling in criminal investigations and lawsuits, many of them of well-known in Brazil. She has substantial experience in all criminal law areas, particularly with matters involving corporate crimes such as corruption, money laundering, crimes against the National Financial System, tax evasion, and environmental crimes.

Bachelor of Laws from the University of São Paulo (USP), Sônia was a member of the Human Rights and Prerogatives Commission of the São Paulo Section of the Brazilian Bar Association – OAB/SP and the Steering Committee of the Institute for Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD). She was a member of the São Paulo Lawyers Association (AASP) and of the São Paulo Criminal Lawyers Association (ACRIMESP).

Sônia is a member of the Institute for Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD) and the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM).


Natasha do Lago
Natasha do Lago

Natasha do Lago acts in the defense and counseling of criminal investigations and lawsuits, having worked on several famous cases. She specializes in financial crimes, money laundering, environmental crimes, tax crimes, crimes against the capital market, and crimes against the Public Administration.  She also has experience with crimes against honor, the Brazilian Anti-Drug Law, the Brazilian Law on Public Tenders, and crimes related to labor violations.

Natasha has a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), holds a Master of Laws degree in Criminal Law from USP, and a specialist diploma in “Money Laundering, Tax Crimes, and Others” from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV/SP). Natasha is also a PhD candidate in Criminal Law at the University of São Paulo (USP).  She is part of the Second Judging Panel of the Prerogatives Council of the São Paulo section of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/SP).

Natasha is a member of the Institute for Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD) and the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM).

She is the author of “Corrupção internacional: aspectos jurídicos” (International Corruption: Legal Aspects), published in 2020 by Lumen Juris, and she was a professor at Insper Law School.

English and French

Marco Vinicio Petrelluzzi
Marco Vinicio Petrelluzzi

With more than 40 years of experience in the areas of Criminal Law, Diffuse and Collective Rights, Administrative Improbity and Public Law, Marco Petrelluzzi’s professional experience includes acting as a Public Prosecutor for the State of São Paulo for 32 years, between 1982 and 2014.

He works in all areas of Criminal Law and Administrative Improbity. Marco has extensive experience in the public sector, having held the position of chief of staff at the Secretariat for Extraordinary Business of the City of São Paulo (1983-1985), chief of staff of the Governor of São Paulo (Mário Covas) at the National Constituent Assembly (1987 -1988), special advisor to Governor Mário Covas, from 1995 to 1999, and Secretary of Public Security of the State of São Paulo, from 1999 to 2002.

During his time in the public sector, Marco coordinated the Special Group of Public Security Studies for analysis of public security techniques in New York and Chicago, in the United States.


English and Italian

Marina Chaves Alves
Marina Chaves Alves

Marina has been working for 15 years in defense and counseling in criminal investigations and lawsuits, including several well-known cases. She specializes in cases involving financial, tax, and money laundering offenses and crimes against the Public Administration. She also has experience with settlement agreements and acting as an assistant prosecutor.

Marina holds a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), a diploma in Economic Criminal Law from the University of Coimbra, and a diploma in Compliance from the Institute of European Economic Criminal Law. She is part of the First Judging Panel of the Prerogatives Council of the São Paulo section of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/SP).  Marina is also a member of the Institute for Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD) and the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM).


Giovanna Tavolaro
Giovanna Tavolaro

Giovanna Tavolaro acts in criminal investigations and lawsuits, specializing in money laundering, property crimes, financial, tax crimes, and crimes against the Public Administration. She also has experience with crimes against honor, the Anti-Drug Law, and jury trial in homicide cases.

Bachelor of Laws from the University of São Paulo (USP), Giovanna holds a postgraduate degree in Economic Criminal Law from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV/SP). She is a member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM).

English and spanish

Maria Luísa Almeida Castro
Maria Luísa Almeida Castro

Maria Luísa works in investigations and criminal actions, especially in situations involving white-collar and environmental crimes. She also has experience with property, financial and tax crimes, as well as money laundering and jury trials.

With a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP), Maria Luísa is a postgraduate student in Economic Criminal Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP) and a specialist in Economic Criminal Law from the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM) in partnership with the Institute of Economic and European Criminal Law (IDPEE) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.

She is part of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM) and the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD).


English and French


Marco Petrelluzi é entrevistado sobre violência policial

Tuesday December 10th, 2024

Marco Vinicio Petrelluzzi
Sócio relembra sua atuação como secretário de segurança pública e discute desafios atuais.
Marco Petrelluzzi debate temas de interesse público no programa Gente que Fala

Monday December 2nd, 2024

Marco Vinicio Petrelluzzi
Sócio tratou de temas variados no cenário político atual.
Natasha do Lago discute criptoativos em evento de Levy & Salomão Advogados

Thursday November 28th, 2024

Natasha do Lago
Sócia trata dos principais impactos no direito penal da proposta de regulamentação do Banco Central.

Social Responsibility

The firm’s lawyers have a strong sense of social commitment. They are engaged in events and projects of the Institute for the Advocacy of the Right of Defense (IDDD) and the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM).

Ráo & Lago Advogados take on several pro bono initiatives, such as task forces in correctional facilities, to promote access to justice for social institutions or vulnerable populations, ensuring their right to defense.

As part of these initiatives, founding partner Sônia Cochrane Ráo is also a member of the judging committee of the Innovare Institute, which annually awards transformative practices in the Brazilian justice system.


The firm guides its activities by rigorous ethical commitment, which is essential in matters relating to Criminal Law. The careful rendering of litigation and advisory services results from the performance of a highly skilled legal team that is regularly updating themselves.

Legal 500
2023 and 2022

Leading Firm – White-collar crime

2023, 2022, 2021 e 2020

Excellent, Highly Recommended Firm

Análise Advocacia
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2011, 2010 e 2008

Escritório de Direito Penal mais admirado



+55 11 3372 7800



Alameda Itu, 852 - 2º andar
São Paulo, SP - Brazil