
Supreme Court dismisses Car Wash Investigations

Published by <p>In December 2020, Justice Gilmar Mendes, from the Supreme Court, dismissed two investigations involving an executive represented by Ráo & Lago Advogados. In August 2019, the Federal Court of Curitiba issued search warrants based on reports provided under a plea agreement signed with the Federal Police.</p>

Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region dismisses criminal lawsuit

Published by <p>The Court granted a writ of habeas corpus from Ráo & Lago Advogados to dismiss a case brought by the Car Wash Task Force in São Paulo. According to the decision, statements made under an agreement to turn state’s evidence do not authorize the commencement of a criminal prosecution.</p>

The disagreement of pleas

Published by <p>Article discusses weakness of evidence produced under plea agreements and the evolution of court understanding on the subject.</p>

Natasha do Lago launches book on international corruption

Published by <p>Article from Migalhas highlights the launch of a book by a partner at Ráo & Lago Advogados, which analyzes the crime of corruption and outlines the criteria for liability in Brazilian law when crime is committed abroad.</p>